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Compositions in Photography 

Artist Statement 


At the beginning of the spring semester of 2021, my photography teacher asked the class, “What does compositions in photography mean to you?” As I thought of the meaning, I concluded that compositions are the basic elements in photography which include line, shape, and color. Now after coming to this conclusion, I asked myself, “How can I get better at taking images?” Well, I saw this class as an opportunity to exercise my weaknesses in photography and to go out of my comfort zone to make work that I've never done. So, I decided to use photoshop to create and imitate the consciousness of a blind person. I also made images of unfamiliar landscapes like Mars but was construction in the Georgia clay. Furthermore, I jumped into a new horizon and tackled night photography where I draw with light in my images. I personally have discouragements in my work however, Compositions in Photography helped me build confidence in my artwork and showed me that I have more potential in what I can capture. This work didn’t only teach me how to use composition but also taught me crucial skills to make my photography better.


-Lindsey Green 

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